A day in the life of a Backend Software Developer at HRS involves quite a range of tasks: Anything from replying to messages from family and friends about resolving their latest technical issue (occupational hazard), to focusing on building highly efficient, maintainable, and scalable code for a feature request that will ultimately move the product forward or perhaps fixing bugs to improve product stability or efficiency. You might also find me helping with management just prior to a release, getting tickets assigned and collaborating with Product and QA to ensure timely completion. One area each member of the Backend team prides themselves on is helping one another, and so it is not uncommon to find us in internal meetings whose focus includes but is not limited to bouncing ideas around, coding standards, or relaying any knowledge that would improve levels of knowledge of the product or coding in general.
What is your favorite thing about working at HRS?
The people! Interpersonal relations within the team is outstanding, as everyone understands the importance of team moral as well as maintaining a healthy work/life balance. Everyone helps out as much as possible, and strives to push each other forward both for the products sake, as well as for everyones own personal growth over time.
The New Office Party! It’s always great hanging out after hours with the team, and an evening designed around breaking in our new office whose main attraction featured a cornhole tournament will be hard to beat. I look forward to more of such events in the future!
While the weather is nice, you can usually find me exploring scenic NYC paths on one of my two electric skateboards, grabbing food at new locations along the way, and settling down along the Hudson or in Central Park to eat. During the colder seasons, I like to hike with friends, or carve down mountains on my snowboard.